Nearly everyone these days has an orchid in their house, they are fast becoming one of the UK’s most popular houseplants. Where can you get the best advice on these wonderful plants and how to grow them ? Right here in the North West where a visit to one of our shows will put you in touch with our very knowledgeable members, they are always happy to chat about their beloved plants and are delighted to help anyone with a similar interest. Usually our show in October we hold our annual orchid plant auction where our members dispose of their surplus plants . There is an entry charge of  £5.00 to place a bid  if you are not a member, but we welcome everyone to come along to appreciate the exotic blooms; show open from 10.00 am until 3.30pm TThe auction will take place at 2.00pm.
The North of England Orchid Society is a not for profit registered charity.

how to look after orchids, caring for orchids, pictures of popular orchids cultural advice and whats the best compost for orchids

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